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Content Delivery Networks (Lecture Notes Electrical Engineering) In Content Delivery Networks, Edited by Rajkumar Buyya, Al-Mukaddim Khan Pathan and Athena Vakali. Springer-Verlag Gmbh, 2008.
Combining Multi-modal Features for Social Media Analysis." In Social Media Modeling and Computing, edited by Steven C. H. Hoi, Jiebo Luo, Susanne Boll, Dong Xu and Rong Jin, 71-96. Springer, 2011.
"Community Detection in Collaborative Tagging Systems." In Community-Built Databases, edited by Eric Pardede, 107-131. Springer, 2011.
""A caching approach for XML based medical data.", 2000.
C16.pdf (259.66 KB)

"Caching Ob jects from Heterogeneous Information Sources.", 1999.
C10.pdf (282.26 KB)

"Caching Techniques for Parallel IO Servicing.", 1999.
C9.pdf (187.64 KB)

Caching Techniques for Parallel I/O Servicing." In PDPTA, edited by Hamid R. Arabnia, 1230-1235. CSREA Press, 1999.
"CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task." In MediaEval, edited by Martha Larson, Adam Rae, Claire-Helene Demarty, Christoph Kofler, Florian Metze, Raphaël Troncy, Vasileios Mezaris and Gareth J. F. Jones. Vol. 807. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 807., 2011.
C84.pdf (155.83 KB)
"CERTH @ MediaEval 2011 Social Event Detection Task.", 2011.
C84.pdf (155.83 KB)

City exploration by use of spatio-temporal analysis and clustering of user contributed photos." In ICMR, edited by Francesco G. B. De Natale, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alan Hanjalic, B. S. Manjunath and Shin’ichi Satoh, 65. ACM, 2011.
""City Exploration by use of Spatio-temporal Analysis and Clustering of User Contributed Photos.", 2011.
C79.pdf (449.42 KB)

Clustering of Social Tagging System Users: A Topic and Time Based Approach." In WISE, edited by Gottfried Vossen, Darrell D. E. Long and Jeffrey Xu Yu, 75-86. Vol. 5802. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5802. Springer, 2009.
C66.pdf (2.89 MB)
"Clustering of Social Tagging System Users: A Topic and Time Based Approach.", 2009.
C66.pdf (2.89 MB)

"ClustTour: City Exploration by use of Hybrid Photo Clustering.", 2010.
C74.pdf (917.37 KB)

ClustTour: city exploration by use of hybrid photo clustering." In ACM Multimedia, edited by Alberto Del Bimbo, Shih-Fu Chang and Arnold W. M. Smeulders, 1617-1620. ACM, 2010.
"Co-Clustering Tags and Social Data Sources." In WAIM, 317-324. IEEE, 2008.
C59.pdf (412.23 KB)
"Co-Clustering Tags and Social Data Sources.", 2008.
C59.pdf (412.23 KB)

Community Detection in Social Media by Leveraging Interactions and Intensities." In WISE (2), edited by Xuemin Lin, Yannis Manolopoulos, Divesh Srivastava and Guangyan Huang, 57-72. Vol. 8181. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8181. Springer, 2013.
PDF (442.9 KB)
Compact and Distinctive Visual Vocabularies for Efficient Multimedia Data Indexing." In ADBIS, edited by Barbara Catania, Giovanna Guerrini and Jaroslav Pokorny, 98-111. Vol. 8133. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8133. Springer, 2013.
C92.pdf (496.34 KB)
"Compact and Distinctive Visual Vocabularies for Efficient Multimedia Data Indexing.", 2013.
C92.pdf (496.34 KB)

A Conceptual Enterprise Architecture Framework for Smart Cities - A Survey Based Approach." In ICE-B, edited by Mohammad S. Obaidat, Andreas Holzinger, Marten van Sinderen and Peter Dolog, 47-54. SciTePress, 2014.
PDF (309.27 KB)
"Content Classification for Caching under CDNs.", 2007.
C56.pdf (275.34 KB)

Correlating Time-Related Data Sources with Co-clustering." In WISE, edited by James Bailey, David Maier, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim and Xiaoyang Sean Wang, 264-279. Vol. 5175. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5175. Springer, 2008.
C61.pdf (497.83 KB)
"Correlating Time-Related Data Sources with Co-clustering.", 2008.
C61.pdf (497.83 KB)

Credential-Based Policies Management in an Access Control Framework Protecting XML Resources." In ISCIS, edited by Albert Levi, Erkay Savas, Hüsnü Yenigün, Selim Balcisoy and Yücel Saygin, 603-612. Vol. 4263. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4263. Springer, 2006.
C53.pdf (1.51 MB)